Yard Waste Pickup
At the March Village Council Meeting, a representative of Emterra Environmental Services presented to council a renewal bid for trash services in the Village. Also discussed was the possibility of curbside yard waste pickup.
This would allow residents weekly to put sticks, leaves, grass clippings, weeds, and mulch up to a maximum of 50 lbs per container marked with Yard Waste or an X on it, to identify it as yard waste to Emterra employees.
At the April Village Council Meeting, Council voted to renew trash services with Emterra Environmental Services and to include weekly Yard Waste pickup at $1.40 per month ($2.80 per 2 month utility billing cycle, $16.80 annually) effective May 1, 2018. Because of this new service the village will no longer be picking up Brush the last Thursday of the month. The April Brush Pickup will be the last. Residents will still be able to bring tree limbs and grass to the DPW garage at any time. The village will still be picking up leaves at the curb during the fall leaf season as we have in the past.
Please be advised that if your container is not marked Yard Waste or does not have a large X on the side, they will not pick it up. The $2.80 additional charge will appear on your June Utility Billing. If you have any questions about the new yard waste service please review the information below from Emterra Environmental Services.
From Emterra Environmental Services
Yard Waste: Yard waste will include grass clippings, trimmings from shrubs and trees, and other greenery from general yard maintenance operations. It will be collected as a separate waste stream from the refuse and garbage defined above. It must be contained in approved biodegradable paper sacks, or in plastic bins with attachable covers or lids. These bins will be clearly marked as YARD WASTE. If any large bushes and trees are set out as yard waste they must be in bundles less than 4 feet long, weigh less than 50 pounds, and contain no tree limbs in excess of 4” in diameter. If the total yard waste exceeds fifty pounds, then multiple bags and or bundles must be used. Any such bundles must be securely fastened with twine, rope, or any other biodegradable fastening material