News & Updates
Recent News
We are pleased to announce that water and sanitary sewer rates will remain unchanged for residents of the Village of Pigeon in 2025. This decision was unanimously approved by the Village Council at their February meeting.
This winter has brought more snow and colder temperatures, with our DPW crew working hard to keep up. We appreciate residents parking off streets overnight to assist with snow removal. At our February meeting, the Village Council voted to keep water and sewer rates unchanged for 2025. We’re also making progress on the water discoloration issue, with EGLE reviewing potential solutions. Click to read more.
Season’s Greetings! The Berne Street reconstruction project was completed just in time, with the first layer of blacktop installed before winter, and the finishing layer scheduled for spring. This $1.1 million project, funded by tax dollars, was a collaboration between the Village, Winsor Township, and the Cooperative Elevator. A big thank you to Thumb Bank and the Pigeon Chamber of Commerce for another successful town lighting event, and best wishes for a joyous holiday season and a happy 2025! Click to read more.
We want to inform you that we are still experiencing discoloration in our water due to a few recent Village events. On a positive note, the parking lot at the Pigeon Event Center is now fully paved and striped! Leaf pick-up starts this month and voter information is available. Click to read more.
The Village will be conducting routine hydrant flushing starting September 30th through October 4th, 2024. This essential maintenance helps ensure our water system remains in top condition and continues to provide clean, reliable water to all residents.
Trick-or-treat in Pigeon will be on Thursday, October 31st from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.
There is a Curfew of 9:00 pm for anyone 17 and under, Tuesday, Oct. 29th, Wednesday, Oct. 30th, Thursday, Oct. 31st, and Friday, Nov. 1, 2024.
Another successful Farmers Summerfest Festival is in the books. A big thanks to all the organizers and volunteers that made it such a successful event. Included with this newsletter is an update on the discoloration of the water we received from Caseville. Click to read more.
The City of Caseville is working to resolve concerns regarding the discoloration of the city’s drinking water. All testing continues to show the water meets all health standards and that we have and continue to, take steps to both ensure continued high-quality drinking water and to address the discoloration issue. Click read more for more information.
On Wednesday, July 3, 2024, you were notified of the need to boil all tap water used for drinking and cooking. Corrective measures have been taken and no coliform bacteria have been detected in follow-up testing of the system’s water. The water is safe to drink. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
Summer is here and it’s time to enjoy the nice weather. Baseball and softball season is in full swing at our recreation park, including Parks and Rec. Mark your calendars for the 51st Farmers Summerfest on July 18-21. Click to read more.
Spring brings many projects for the Village. Our big project for the year is a complete rebuild of Berne Street beside the Co-op Elevator. Project details will be passed along as soon as we have them in place. Pigeon will hold a Memorial Day Service at the Veteran’s Memorial Park next to the Pigeon Event Center. Click read more for the full newsletter.