Newsletter August 2019
Dear Residents,
We hope you are enjoying this nice stretch of summer weather. Another Festival is in the books and what an extremely hot one it was. Thanks to the Festival Committee and all volunteers that work so hard to put it on.
Our infrastructure replacement project on East Michigan Avenue and South Frank Street will be starting soon and will be completed by October. North Frank Street will be done, as well, in the summer of 2020. This is our continuing program to replace aging Water Main and updating Storm Sewers in the Village of Pigeon. Landscaping has been completed at the Pigeon Event Center (VFW Hall) and we will finishing sealcoating and striping of the parking lot before winter.
Please be respectful of neighbors when having a campfire in the Village. If your campfire is close to a neighbor’s open windows, it can force windows to be closed. Please position your campfire as far away as possible. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.
Have a great rest of summer!
President Michael LePage