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February Newsletter 2021

Dear Residents,

Happy New Year! Let's hope that 2021 gets us back to some kind of normalcy.

A big thank you to all who contributed to the Winsor Township Fire Department Pigeon Money giveaway during the Holiday's. Santa braved the cold to ride around the Village on the Fire Truck. Thanks to all of the organizers that made that a great event.

Please be reminded that your vehicles need to be off the street so DPW workers can clear snow on all village streets during a snow event.

Our Community Ice Rink was put together by over 40 volunteers and has been open for a couple of weeks. Thanks to the Pigeon Community Foundation and Apple Blossom Wind Energy for funding the Ice rink. Please consult the Village Facebook page or website for hours of operation.

Have a great winter!

Michael LePage
Village President

Other News:

Winter Street Clearing

DPW Staff is ready for the winter season of snow plowing and salting Village Streets and parking lots. We ask from now until spring to keep vehicles off the streets overnight, to help with snow and ice removal.

Police Parking Reminder

No parking on village streets between 2am and 6am. Violators will be ticketed.

Snow Removal

To make the job of snow removal, go as smoothly as possible, please do not put your trash in the street and if possible, please wait to set your trash out until after the plows have passed. If you have a portable basketball hoop out by the street, please move it back so the plows do not hit them.

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We’re on Facebook!

As of this last year we have made a point to post to Facebook for Village news and events . If you would like to follow along you can find us at the button below.

We look forward to hearing from you and keeping you informed about what’s happening in our neck of the woods! Have a great winter!

Ice Rink is Open!

A Village skating rink has been erected on the Pigeon Recreation Basketball and Tennis Court area. Open skating is available and Hockey will be scheduled and listed on the Village Website and Facebook page. With COVID-19 all around us the Village Council wanted to create a safe outdoor activity for both kids and adults. The skating rink is being financed by the Pigeon Community Fund and Apple Blossom Wind Energy. The skating rink will maintained by volunteer Village residents.


Justin Schnettler