February Newsletter 2020
Dear Residents,
With January behind us, I hope you are having a good winter so far. We were very fortunate with the weather last fall, to complete phase 1 of our East Michigan Avenue/South Frank project. This spring when the weather breaks, we will begin Phase 2 that will run from the corner of E. Michigan and N. Main by Thumb Bank & Trust, East to the Post Office corner, replacing that infrastructure. We will be paving a final coat from the corner of E. Michigan and N. Main to the end of South Frank Street all the work is completed. Once again at the completion of this project, we will have funded the project and it will not add any long term debt to the Village.
We also have additional sidewalk improvements planned, and additional upgrades to our Recreation Park coming. Many people continue to use the Walking Path even through the winter, as our DPW staff keep it cleared of snow. If you have any suggestions for Village improvement projects, please feel free to contact the Village Hall or myself at any time. Have a great rest of your winter.
Michael LePage
Village President